Here's the story on how having depression has been the best thing that has happened to me.
and below you'll become informed on how you too can create a similar pathway from burnout to depression to healing to power and results to celebration and freedom in as short as 6 months.
There's so much noise outside in everything we consume! So much unethical hunger for profit, fake relationships, lack of integrity, empty information that we're bombarded with
So, we decided to create a movement centered around intentional authentic lining but also success and results!
it's NOT an either OR conversation!
🌟 The Believe, Befree, Beyonder Lifestyle!
✨ BELIEVE , I help you challenge your old weary belief systems that hold your groundedness and development process back.
✨ BEFREE, I help you reconnect to release your fears, doubts, and habits that hold you back.
✨ BEYONDER, I help you break through your own limits to achieve results you never thought possible by teaching you all the practical frameworks that you need to foster healthy thoughts, take proactive decisions, get into action that moves your needle to create your desired success.
Sara says: I studied leadership and self-development books since I was 10.
I'd read the book, get excited, apply it for 3 days then fall back off and get angry at myself, promise myself to work harder in applying the information next times. I had a lot of passion to serve humanity and I thought the way to fulfil that is by becoming a doctor. So, I studied really hard..
Sara fell in love with Germany so much so that she was determined to go back for her Masters studies in a German University. At 20 years old, she applied for several German Universities to pursue her postgraduate studies despite all her family’s concerns to travel and study alone at a time. Sara’s vision was to contribute to the discovery of great academic knowledge that makes a difference in the field of cancer research and she has let that vision guide her forward. In the summer of 2012, Sara got accepted into and chose to join the University of Heidelberg to start her Masters degree in the field of Cancer Biology. So far so good, her determination and hard work have carried the day so well. At 20 years old and accepted in one of Europe’s top universities.. But it didn’t continue like that..
Growing up in the typical “hard-working” culture meant that the only way I knew how to live is to study more, do more, run further, go to the next year, the next grade, always look for the A+, if I get less than 98%, I resent myself. I push myself harder. This way of performing took me to places, I graduated top 1% of my class in the Bachelor's degree, and I was accepted in one of the world’s 100 top universities, the Heidelberg University in Germany.
Fast forward the year 2018, I'm worn-out, severely depressed, leading a huge PhD project from the heart of one of the toughest academic environments in Europe and partnering with leaders across 2 different continents AND my competitor is almost outrunning me..
I'm struggling in a dark rat-race with no glimpse of hope and no amount of hard work is effective in ending this agony!! I gave up on "self-development" and "dreams"!!
But everything changed, I failed! Yes, I failed to succeed in my Master's degree. For the most part, I was just struggling to find a lab to finish my Master thesis. I did all the usual stuff (applying to all the labs, changing supervisors, changing projects, writing a petition to the University) and none of it worked… until I let go of my attachment to finish the Master thesis and looked for a student job through which I can financially support myself.
There I met my first mentor, supervisor and boss : Professor Bruce Edgar.
For the next 9 months: we created a partnership based on curiosity, powerful safe communication space that generated new ways of lateral thinking and interesting observations.. The really hard work reaped the fruit of a successful Masters degree..
Now what? I knew I will not continue in Science, but I was too scared to change and I didn’t even know where to but, the spark to succeed and contribute to the Academic knowledge is what kept me going. The diligence to publish my findings in a prestigious Academic journal and my desire to be amongst the top-performing students for my Professor is what sparked the passion for me to continue working on my scientific project. Fast forward 2 years later, I was offered a “fast-track” PhD project after Bruce relocated to a different continent and I still had the desire to continue working on my scientific project. I had 3 months contract, then 6 months contract then a year contract and the “fast-track” PhD still didn’t end.
I was pitching a prototype in an Innovation summer school and I couldn’t speak. The words wouldn’t come out. I looked at the 2 minute timer as the audience was staring at me and the seconds went by..
15 seconds elapsed and I asked to step out for a moment..
I re-practiced the pitch and I delivered it. This incident will be the first in a few more where my ability to speak in public was compromised.
Fast forward the year 2018, I'm worn-out, severely depressed, leading a huge PhD project from the heart of one of the toughest academic environments in Europe and partnering with leaders across 2 different continents AND my competitor is almost outrunning me.. I'm struggling in a dark rat-race with no glimpse of hope and no amount of hard work is effective in ending this agony!!
Little did I know, I started a seemingly new battle of survival, I was in psychosomatic pain, completely lost direction. It seemed for a long time as if I gave up on "self-development" and "dreams"!!
Running, hard-working, hard-working then I stopped, something stopped working. I stopped smiling and I couldn’t run anymore. I got the news that I was severely depressed.
Almost nobody around me was getting it. I’m still really committed to succeed but I can't keep working the same way and I don’t see a way out.
On a sunny beautiful winter day in February 2019, I met my coach and she asked me what would happen if 2020 would be an amazing year for you? I was so moved, I started hysterically crying "I'd have my Nature paper, I'd complete my PhD with the highest honors and I'd go higher"
With that question, I discovered coaching and like that without meds, I started reprogramming my mindset. Over the next 6 months, my coach became my committed listener to my success and thriving through my depression.
She helped me distinguish my survival-based performance and helped me get to the sources of my lack of self-belief, worry and unhappiness. I peeled away what no longer served me and welcomed what is in alignment with my vision of service.
And that was a massive game-changer. I reconnected to my passion and my commitment to publish my work powerfully, I didn’t have to push or pressure or prove anymore, I was functioning from “I will do it, I see it and it’s happening..”
All of a sudden, things started to really work in my life and I was very happy. In 2020, I fulfilled every goal I had in my list from 2019 when I was asked that question.
This was magical.. That I thrived through all of this and created well beyond, anything I have ever thought of!
During the Covid-19 and as the world was freaking out, I moved to the woods near Frankfurt, Germany with an expired residence permit and an unwavering new committment to build my business.
Over the next 2 years, I've spent over 20k+ of self-investment and over 10,000 hours of learning and developing myself to coach powerfully, I immersed myself in the top-notch coaching programs to alter people’s realities and help them discover the tools and the strategies that they need to level up.
I have studied, honed on and improved the tools and transformative processes that allow me to build, serve while living a full life that I love.
and the results speak for themselves: 💥Huge Scientific Grant, Scientific Prize, German Embassy Congrats and a thriving Coaching Business, Featured Top Coach,..
That's why I founded this company. Because I want to teach everything I've learned and discovered to leaders, talents and decision makers, so that they can apply it to their own life and go shine big, bold, and bright for a cause!
For work spaces to build inclusive effective celebrative happy work cultures..
For individuals to build happy homes and raise healthy kids..
“Can this be it? Can I be what’s possible?
But it takes a lot of power and resilience to build a coaching business.. Do I really have what it takes? The responsibility is huge.. and everybody thinks I am crazy for transitioning into coaching and developing talents to breakthrough and transform their blocks after having such a successful career as a scientist..”
For months, I have been developing myself as a Leadership coach, full of self-doubt, my vision is to cause leadership on a global scale but I’m still unclear on the how..
During my development as a Leadership Coach, I was taught that it takes a village to cause a leader and I was wondering how can I? Which village will cause me?
In November 2021, I got the exciting news that I won the Richtzenhain Prize..
In the midst of the noise in my head, I parked it to the side and I took one action, created one conversation about being featured as an Egyptian Woman who made a difference abroad with her achievements..
One action, one conversation.. and here’s what opened up..
In December 2021, the Women of Egypt published a description of my achievement.. and overnight, I have gotten the first Media and TV Appearances. And in parallel, an amazing human being and an Egyptian influencer wrote a post about me that went viral!! and before you know it, dozens of media reports were out about me and my story.. Somebody has gotten in touch with me about being a VIP guest in the World Youth Forum (WYF) 2022 and attending a presidential dinner.. I spoke to the Egyptian President about “transformation”!! it was all so surreal..
Often times, we think that people who make it are people who have something that we are lacking.. like they are worth something more than us or they are smarter and we are stupid or they are powerful and we are incapable
But all what successful people who go beyond circumstances have in common is that they are a space for powerful actions, they park their shame, blame and doubt conversation to the side and they start taking actions from the space of being committed to some bigger vision.. something that makes their heart sing..
For me, it’s the possibility that every human gets liberated from the constraint that their past has dictated them to be.. the possibility that every human connects with their purpose and create a life that is worth living instead of only living a life of reaction and consumption..
For me, it’s Leadership and Freedom that I stand for in life.. What about you?
and in case you’re wondering who my tribe is: I will tell you the my tribe is Global!! It’s the amazing European, Asian, American, and African people (people from every walk of life) who are in love with the experience of true authentic living. The people who are hungry for wisdom, passionate for growth and development and are willing to shine their light and leave others bigger than how they know themselves..
this is my global clientele..
and because of them, you’re reading these words now..
Much Love,
Sara Hegy
Here's your Leadership Expert and Coach:
🚀Dr.Sara Hegy is an Award-winning Scientist, Leadership Development Expert and Coach.
🚀A published first author in Nature under Ahmed et al,2020 (Best Academic Journal Worldwide).
🚀Richtzenhain Prize Winner in 2021 and congratulated by the German Embassy in Cairo.
🚀Dr.Hegy's research raised a grant of 2.7 million USD for the scientific development of her findings.
🚀Dr.Hegy has 12+ years of leadership experience as a highly-qualified academic professional expat.
🚀Within the first 23 months of her business's launch, with 10,000+ hours of training and development, she delivered 5000+ hours of coaching calls, created 30+ global clients, and a 5-figure coaching business in the first 23 months of launch without prior entrepreneurial experience.
🚀Dr. Hegy is voted as One of the top 15 coaches in Berlin, Germany in 2022, 2023.
🚀CoachFoundation has honored Sara as a top leadership development coach in 2024.
🚀Dr. Hegy has won the German Business Award for 2024.
🚀Dr. Hegy's awarded the 2023 Influential Business Women Awards by AI.
🚀Dr. Hegy's a thought leader who delivered 12 scientific articles with a twist on leadership, decision-making, and being visionary for Brainz Magazine in 2023/2024.
I hear that from leaders who are stuck, tired, burnt out, skpetical all the TIME!!
Before I answer that: Let me tell you the only reason why coaching wouldn't work..
The dictionary definition of "help": to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need.
If it's not help, it's a waste of resources!
Here's where you can go next :)
Individual Pathway of Development
Business Training and Development
Empireur and Expat Club.EU are brands owned by GenX Leadership Academy
GenX Leadership Academy by Sara Hegy
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